Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Outline the components associated with sensory input.

            Exteroceptors: provide information from outside the body. The main Exteroceptors involved in sensation with regard to sport are vision and audition.
            Proprioceptors: Proprioception means "sense of self". In the limbs, the proprioceptors are sensors that provide information about joint angle, muscle length, and muscle tension, which is integrated to give information about the position of the limb in space. 

Interceptors: provide information from within the body, information about body position, and the position of limbs. The main interceptors involved in sport are the vestibular apparatus, which provided the information about balance; and joint receptors, muscle spindles, and Golgi tendon organs, which provide information about limb positions. Receptors sensing blood pressure, plasma osmolality, blood glucose concentration or the degree of stretching of the urinary bladder.


  1. joint receptors, muscle spindles, and Golgi tendon organs are proprioceptors as they provide information about joint angles, muscle length, and muscle tensions and overall changes in muscle tension
